Donor Committee in Agriculture and Food Security | Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development Partners | Official Website

The Donor Groups

The Donor groups exists to deepen dialogue, coordination and cooperation among Development Partners, and between these partners and the Government of Malawi


The purpose of DCAFS is to deepen dialogue, coordination and cooperation among development partners, and between these partners and the Government in respect to Agriculture and Food Security with a view to strengthening the quality of partnership and effectively supporting the Malawi 2063, Malabo commitments and related agriculture development strategies.


The purpose of TIPDeP is to deepen dialogue, coordination and cooperation among development partners, and between these partners and the Government on issues of Private Sector Development (including access to finance, trade and SME development) with a view to strengthening the quality of partnership and effectively supporting the implementation of the Mw2063 and NES and other related strategies in line with the principles of Ownership, Alignment, Harmonization, Managing for Results and Mutual Accountability.

Who are the DCAFS?

In keeping with aid effectiveness principles (Alignment, Harmonization, Mutual Accountability etc), the Donor Committee on Agriculture and Food Security (DCAFS) was set up to strengthen the harmonization of investment in agriculture and food security in Malawi. It consists of Bilateral and Multilateral Donors; UN Agencies; Alliances and CGIAR Institutions.

Current Chair

Agency: FCDO

Outgoing Chair

Agency: World Bank

Incoming Chair

Agency: IFAD

Member Agencies

See Development Partners

Who are the TIPDeP?

The Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development Partners (TIPDeP) was set up around 2016 to deepen dialogue, coordination and cooperation among the Development Partners involved in Private Sector Development, and between these partners and the Government (predominantly the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Trade). TIPDeP members are representatives from bilateral and multilateral Development Partners supporting the implementation of programmes in Trade, Industry and Private Sector development.

Current Chair

Agency: EU Delegation

Outgoing Chair

Agency: World Bank

Incoming Chair

Agency: UNDP

Member Agencies

See Development Partners

About the Coordination Office

The DCAFS and TIPDeP Coordination Office provide professional and technical support to maintain quality internal discussion amongst DCAFS or TIPDeP for increased harmonization; facilitate effective policy dialogue between DCAFS or TIPDeP with the Government counterparts, private sector entities, parliamentary committees and other relevant stakeholders.

DCAFS and TIPDeP Coordination Office is located at Golden Peacock Business Complex, 1st Floor Office Number B20, City Centre, Lilongwe, Malawi. With support from the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office through Adam Smith International, the Coordination Office is headed by Roman Malumelo.

The Role of the Coordination Office

Specifically, the Coordination Office ensures that DCAFS and TIPDeP meetings are timely and efficiently scheduled, concluded and documented; efficient exchange of information between DCAFS and TIPDeP with the Government; the Database of all Donor-funded projects is professionally managed and analyzed to inform internal discussion on harmonisation as well as policy dialogue; DCAFS and TIPDeP are regularly updated on sector issues through briefs and information pack; DCAFS and TIPDeP receive sufficient regular attention by the public for the improved visibility and accountability.


Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)


International Fund for Agricultural Development

World Bank

World Bank

EU Delegation

European Union Delegation


United Nations Development Programme


German Development Cooperation

African Development Bank

African Development Bank

Flanders Government (Belgium)

Flanders Government (Belgium)


Royal Norwegian Embassy

Embassy of Japan

Embassy of Japan

Embassy of Ireland

Embassy of Ireland & Irish Aid


Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa


Japan International Cooperation


United States Agency for International Development


Agriculture Transformation Initiative


International Food Policy Research Institute


Food and Agriculture Organization

World Food Program

World Food Programme

United Nations Children's Fund

United Nations Children's Fund

United Nation

United Nation Resident Coordinator Office

UN Women

UN Women


Millennium Challenge Corporation

No.Development PartnerMember of
1African Development Bank
2Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa
3Agriculture Transformation Initiative
4Embassy of Ireland
5Embassy of Japan
6EU Delegation
7Food and Agriculture Organization
8Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
9Flanders Government
10German Development Cooperation
11International Fund for Agricultural Development
12International Food Policy Research Institute
13Japan International Cooperation Agency
14Millennium Challenge Corporation
15Royal Norwegian Embassy
16The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
17United Nation Resident Coordinator Office
18United Nations Development Programme
19United Nations Children's Fund
20United States Agency for International Development
21World Bank
22World Food Program